Skipping The Scary Parts of Moana

Skipping The Scary Parts of Moana

This article shares the parts that we skip when we watch "Moana" (2016) [1 hour 47m] with our 2-year-old.


Note: It’s the 2016 version we see on Disney Plus. Depending on your needs and kids, you may have other parts you want to skip or not. This is just our take and you should consider what's right for you and your family.

Parts we Skip (with Timestamps)

  1. 00:00 - 03:17 - Opening Scene with Singing and Origin Story
  2. 15:25 - 15:52 - Chief Childhood Story Went Out to Ocean
  3. 21:27 - 24:05 - Village History as Voyagers
  4. 25:25 - 28:00 - Continued Village History as Voyagers
  5. 29:00 - 30:38 - Grandma's Death
  6. 53:18 - 54:09 - Moana's Dream of Island
  7. 56:36 - 1:05:42 - Getting Hook Back
  8. 1:14:05 - 1:30:06 - Fighting Against Te Ka

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