Linking Google Products: Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Search Console, Ads and Merchant Center

Linking Google Products: Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Search Console, Ads and Merchant Center

Understanding and effectively managing the performance of your website is crucial. By connecting Google products like Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Search Console, Ads, and Merchant Center, you can unlock valuable insights and functionality to achieve this.

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How To

IMPORTANT: Please ensure all accounts you're linking are within the same Google account with sufficient admin access.


Google Analytics 4 to Google Search Console

To connect GA4 to Google Search Console:

  1. Log in to your GA4 account.
  2. Go to the Admin section.
  3. Under "Property," scroll down to "Product Links."
  4. Click on “Search Console Links”.
  5. Click on “Link,” then select your account and confirm.
  6. Choose the web stream and click “Submit”.

Google Analytics 4 to Google Ads

To link GA4 to Google Ads:

  1. Go back to the "Admin" section in GA4.
  2. Under “Property,” click on “Google Ads Linking”.
  3. Click on “Link,” select your Google Ads account, and confirm.
  4. Enable “Personalized Advertiser” and ensure “Auto-tagging” is on (unless you have a custom requirement).
  5. Click “Submit”.

Google Merchant Center to Google Ads

To link Google Merchant Center to Google Ads:

  1. Go to the Google Merchant Center.
  2. Click on the "Admin" section, then “Linked Accounts”.
  3. Go to “Google Ads Customer ID” and copy the ID from your Google Ads account.
  4. Paste the ID and send a link request.
  5. Go back to your Google Ads account, review the request, and approve it.

Key Takeaways

  • Linking these Google products helps you share data between them and create more detailed reports.
  • Make sure you have sufficient admin access to all of the accounts you're linking, and that they are within the same Google account.
  • Auto-tagging should generally be enabled when linking Google Ads.

Video Explainer on The Full Topic

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