From Upload to Removal: Understanding Shopify's Image Lifecycle and Files Storage

I wanted to find out if images uploaded in Shopify will be added to the "files" section on the left navigation and what happens if i delete the image in "files" and delete the images in product and what happens if i delete the product completly.

Here's the results:

  • When you upload media to a product, it gets stored in "files".
  • When you delete the product completely, then it also deletes the media in "files.
  • When you upload media to a product, and delete it in the product, it also is removed from "files"
  • When you upload media to a product, and delete it from "files", it will remove from the product.
  • When you upload media to "files" and then take the url to import by url in the media upload in product, it will create a new media in "files".

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